I am a qualified IYA*, IYTA* and Heart of Yoga Assoc. teacher with over 40 years study and teaching experience. I lived and taught yoga at Sivananda Ashram (Beacon Yoga Centre, Fremantle) for 9 years where I was a student of Swami Venkatesananda and completed the first IYTA training to be offered in WA. Venkatesa worked hard to ensure that all of us, his students, received a complete training in the Eight Limbs of Yoga (astanga). After Venkatesa’s death, I continued my yoga studies with Sri TKV Desikachar and other senior teachers from the Krishnamacarya Yoga Mandiram (KYM), Chennai India, focussing on the study of vedic chant and yoga cikitsa (yoga therapy). In the mid-90s I met and travelled to India with Mark Whitwell to further my studies again at KYM. From 1994 -2017, I received profound meditation and compassion teachings from Tibetan master, Sogyal Rinpoche (Tibetan Book of Living & Dying). In the course of these studies, I met the remarkable Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche and feel so grateful to be able to continue my study and practice of the Vajrayana teachings under his guidance. To recognise the master in this life … an unrepayable gift.
I offer immense gratitude to my teachers who have (&had) the patience to transmit the yoga & wisdom teachings of India & Tibet to me. The teachings have blessed my life with a deep curiosity and understanding that informs all aspects of my life, transforming it into a truly healing path. I pray I may in some way be a conduit for the teachings for the benefit of others.
My love of sacred sound culminated in the release of a guided CD for students in 1999, The Healing Sounds of Vedic Chant.
In December 2002, after many requests from students, I released a daily yoga practice CD for those wishing to establish a home practice – Do Your Yoga Bless Your Life. Tracks from this CD are available for download.
*IYA – Integral Yoga Association
*IYTA – International Yoga Teachers’ Association
I salute my precious teachers who constantly inspire and guide my work